Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00
Ewing, NJ 08628
The Health Department conducts annual routine inspections of all retail food establishments to ensure that State standards are met. These inspections are conducted by Ewing's trained and licensed New Jersey Registered Environmental Health Specialists. Inspectors also work to educate retail food workers on best practices for safe food handling and take action as needed to enforce the code when necessary. The Health Department also responds to individual complaints as well as the monitoring of all recalled foods to ensure that only safe products reach the public.
Regulated establishments include, but are not limited to:
Bakeries | Catering Facilities | Delis | Schools | Restaurants | Supermarkets | Temporary Events | Mobile Units | Vending Machines
It is unlawful for any person or any body corporate to furnish, install, service, operate or maintain one or more vending machines, as defined and governed by Chapter 24 of the NJ State Sanitary code, without first having procured a license from the Township of Ewing. The licensing year for vending machines runs June 1st – May 31st with application and applicable fee due by May 31st of each year. Submit a separate application for each additional location. See §172-26.
Seasonal and year round facilities such as pools and hot tubs are routinely inspected. Weekly lab analyses of all public bathing places are required and reviewed for bacteria and chemical levels to assure safety of bathing waters.
Radon is an odorless and invisible radioactive gas naturally released from rocks, soil, and water. It can get trapped inside homes and buildings and build up in the air. Over time, breathing in high levels of radon can cause lung cancer. In fact, it is the second leading cause of the deadly disease, responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year. About 2,900 of these deaths occur among people who have never smoked.
Radon levels are usually higher in basements, cellars and living spaces in contact with the ground. However, considerable radon concentration can also be found above the ground floor. The levels differ from home to home, which is why it is important to test your house. The average U.S. indoor air level of radon is 1.3 picocuries per liter. At three times that level, the risk of lung cancer from radon is greater than the risk from fire. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the New Jersey DEP recommend taking action to reduce radon levels if the level in the home is greater than or equal to 4 pCi/L. Ewing as a municipality ranks as a Tier 2 radon potential, see the NJDEP’s Radiation Protection Element website. This means that there is a moderate radon potential for homes in Ewing. Tier Assignment Report (2015)
Radon education programs and test kits are periodically available by contacting the Health Department.
Testing is the only way to know if you have high levels of radon in your home. It is simple and inexpensive. The NJDEP Radon Program provides answers to technical questions and a list of certified companies that provide testing services or do-it-yourself test kits. While they do not recommend one service provider over another, be sure to make sure that any company being consulted is properly certified to perform the work. Contact the program at (800) 648-0394 or
If you are buying a new home or selling your home the EPA and the NJDEP recommend that it be tested for radon.
If the home has radon levels 4 picocuries per liter, or pCi/L or higher it is recommended that you fix the home. Levels below 4 pCi/L may still pose a risk, which may be reduced remediation. Buyers should look to purchase a radon-resistant home.
Businesses engaged in addressing radon in NJ are required to be licensed by the NJDEP. They must pass an examination administered by the Radon Section and be inspected annually to verify compliance with radon certification regulations. Ewing does not recommend any one service provider over another, but directs residents to the NJDEP Certified Radon Mitigation Businesses list to confirm any company being consulted is properly certified for the work.
Residents having a complaint regarding any environmental issues such as: garbage, debris, litter, weeds, heat, sewage, air pollution, odors, insects, and rodents.
The Department conducts surveys of environmental nuisances in residential and commercial areas to identify potential problems. The Department also responds directly to complaints of all environmental nuisances such as insects and rodents, weeds, garbage and debris, and sanitary waste.
Child care centers are periodically inspected by the Department to ensure a safe and clean atmosphere and for compliance with State standards.
Installation and operation of individual sewerage disposal systems is monitored to ensure proper operation and correction when malfunction occurs.
Inspectors respond to a variety of occupational health complaints that range from smoking, inadequate heat, ventilation, improper chemical use, and sanitation. Chronic and acute occupational disease investigations are conducted and forwarded to OSHA & PEOSHA or the N.J. Department of Health.
Investigation of odors and solid pollutants are conducted as a result of complaints.