Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00
Closed from 12–1pm
Ewing, NJ 08628
Police, Fire, EMS - Please dial 9-1-1
Marc Strauss, Fire Director
1666 Pennington Road
p: (609) 882-9885x101
email: [email protected]
Station 31 - Prospect Heights Fire Co.
Douglas W. Brower, Chief
1660 Ninth Street
p: (609) 530-1122
email: [email protected]
Facebook – Twitter
Station 33 - West Trenton Fire Co.
Michael Anderson, Chief
40 West Upper Ferry Road
p: (609) 883-0325 X221
email: [email protected]
Fire protection in Ewing Township is provided by two volunteer fire companies, the Prospect Heights Vol. Fire Company and the West Trenton Vol. Fire Company which are supported by fundraising efforts by the fire companies and budget allocations from the Township of Ewing. Both fire companies serve around the clock, 365 days-a-year in conjunction with a career firefighting staff that is based out of the fire station on Pennington Road.
The Prospect Heights Fire Co. and the West Trenton Fire Co. both have a rich tradition in their service to the residents and businesses of Ewing Township and surrounding municipalities. Ewing Township has a population of 35,790 people in 15.6 square miles, bordering Hopewell Township to the north, the Delaware River and Bucks County Pennsylvania to the west, Lawrence Township to the east and the City of Trenton to the south. In recent years, the fire companies have each responded to an average of 850+ fire calls per year and respond to mutual aid calls to each of these municipalities and beyond.
The Prospect Heights Fire Co. and the West Trenton Fire Company embrace the following as their Mission Statement while in the performance of their duties:
Firefighters are well-trained and are well-versed in all types of emergency situations. Both fire companies work together to provide fire suppression, vehicle rescue, swift-water rescue and dive team, aerial operations, mutual aid assistance, weather emergency preparedness, assist Ewing PD and EMS, and more! In addition, the fire companies provide community education programs, support the Knox Box initiative for all commercial buildings in the township and have instituted a smoke alarm program for Ewing residents.
There are three career firefighters that serve in both fire stations Monday-Friday, 7 am to 3:30 pm to supplement the volunteers during the daytime hours. They assist the volunteer firefighters with the maintenance of the equipment and apparatus, train, pre-plan and are first responders to fire calls during the day, aiding the volunteer firefighter response. The former Pennington Road Vol. Fire Co. is now staffed by career firefighters and is known as Ewing Fire Department, Division 30. Division 30 has a crew 24/7/365 in what was the Pennington Road Vol. Fire Company facilities in the middle of Ewing Township.
The Prospect Heights and West Trenton Fire Company are currently recruiting for new members! All training is provided free of charge. We encourage individuals who are interested in joining the volunteer fire service in Ewing, visit the Prospect Heights Fire Company Membership page and the West Trenton Fire Company Membership page for further information. Some people join to be a firefighter and others join to be a fire policeman or a member who wants to contribute to the business operation of the firehouse. Those interested should also visit the web, Facebook and Twitter links of each of the fire companies below to learn more. Membership is open to anyone age 16 and above who is a Ewing Township resident and a U.S. citizen. A member must be over the age of 18 to be considered a full firefighter. Below the age of 18, a member is part of our junior firefighter program, which permits the member to participate in almost every aspect of training, and a semi-limited role in actual incidents. Consider being of service to your community!
Fire Division 30 is a department of career firefighters who provide fire protection for Ewing Township from 7 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday to supplement the volunteer firefighters in the Prospect Heights Vol. Fire Co. and the West Trenton Vol. Fire Co. A crew of four firefighters is also stationed at the former Pennington Road Vol. Fire Co. around the clock 365 days of the year. Ewing Township Division 30 is staffed by six fire captains and 18 firefighters who staff the three fire stations during their work shifts. The firefighters of Fire Division 30 provide fire suppression, rescue operations, emergency medical support services, service-type assignments as well as fire prevention activities, assist residents with smoke detectors and equipment maintenance.
The Ewing Township Fire Marshal’s Office falls under the umbrella of the Ewing Fire Dept. Division 30 and he is responsible for fire prevention and investigation within the borders of Ewing Township. Fire prevention includes inspections, plan reviews, public education, and code enforcement. The Fire Marshal’s Office is also responsible for determining the origin and cause of fires in Ewing Township.
Fire Division 30 firefighters are well equipped and highly trained to handle a multitude of tasks and emergencies. Many firefighters have specialized certifications and training which enable them to provide the very best protection possible for our town. One firefighter is a member of New Jersey Task Force One which is a statewide, highly recognized, rescue unit which can be called upon anywhere in New Jersey or around the country should the need arise. Another firefighter is trained and works with young adults through the New Jersey Juvenile Firesetter Program.