Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00

(609) 883-2900 
2 Jake Garzio Drive
Ewing, NJ 08628

Online Payments

Edmunds GovTech

Edmunds GovTech

The Township of Ewing offers the convenience of online tax and/or sewer payments using Edmunds GovTech.  You can pay your delinquent and/or current charges (taxes and/or sewer) for the SAME YEAR only.  HOWEVER, you can not use this service to pay off any PRIOR YEAR or lien.   Please contact the Tax Office for more information at (609) 883-2900 ext 7607.  

Community Pass Logo

Community Pass

Create an account and use the Community Pass service to register and pay for Recreation Department events and programs, as well as the Bulk Drop-Off Validation Card for the Scotch Road Convenience Center
NJMCdirect Logo


Pay traffic tickets online with NJMCdirect, a service from the NJ Courts.  There is a convenience fee for using this service.  
You will need: your ticket number, your license plate number, and your Visa or MasterCard.