Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00
Ewing, NJ 08628
Why choose Ewing...
Bid Opportunities
Business Assistance
Business Directory Submission Form
Cannabis Information
Doing Business with Ewing Township
Economic Development Office
Ewing Profile
Ewing Township Master Plan
Permits and Applications
Planning and Zoning
--- Planning Board
--- Zoning Board
Planning Studies
Redevelopment Agency
-- GM & Naval
Township Code
Zoning Map
Zoning Ordinance
General Motors / Naval Center Redevelopment Plan
We are engaged in creating a new town center from the ashes of what was once the economic backbone of this Township. Plans for the former sites include a mixed-use development program that includes over 350,000 square feet of retail and live-work space and 1,182 new housing units aimed at the demographic profiles of young professional and the retiring baby-boom generation.
Olden Avenue Redevelopment Plan
The Olden Avenue Redevelopment Plan is designed to make the Township’s main commercial business district a more palatable place for the neighborhoods that surround it and commuters traversing through it to shop.
Parkway Avenue Redevelopment Plan
The Parkway Avenue area is not meant to supplant the effort along Olden Avenue but is an effort entirely different and complimentary. The opportunity to create a special place in the geographic center of the community, where once stood the center of area’s main income source, is unparalleled. Since the Plan’s adoption in 2012, the Township has been hard at work negotiating the details of an exciting development that will transform the Township by creating a place where people will be able to live, work, and play. For more information on this project CLICK HERE.
The latest version of Ewing Township's Master Plan is available in our Public Documents Center, as well as are the Environmental Resource Inventory and the Conservation Element of the Master Plan. Both are available separately, but constitute an integral part of the Master Plan.