Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00
Closed from 12–1pm

(609) 883-2900 
2 Jake Garzio Drive
Ewing, NJ 08628

Seasonal Preparedness: Getting Ready for Winter

This morning’s snow flurries and cold temperatures served as a timely reminder that winter is quickly approaching.

So NOW is a good time to plan and prepare for the coming winter cold.  We urge everyone to avoid complacency and to double check your winter emergency preparations  and plans. 

We also urge residents, as they update their disaster kits to cope with the possibility of winter emergencies, to consider preparing early for the triple threat of possible Covid, flu and RSV surges.  The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offers guidance on “How to Get Your Flu, COVID-19, and RSV Vaccines This Year” or you can check with the Ewing Health Department at 609-883-2900 x7691 for local updates.

General Disaster Readiness

These preparations are invaluable no matter what time of year or what the emergency.  We are now  facing earlier nights, freezing temperatures, and winter storms.  Preparing ahead of time will ensure that you don’t get caught short and unprepared to weather everything that winter can throw at you. 

  • Prepare emergency kits for your home, work, and the car.
  • Have flashlights and extra batteries on hand.
  • Have a portable, battery-operated radio with extra batteries.
  • Make sure your first aid kit is up-to-date and that your prescriptions are refilled.
  • Have a one-week supply of food on hand (include non-perishable items in case the power goes out).
  • Keep your gas tank full if an evacuation seems likely. Gas stations may be closed during emergencies and unable to pump gas during power outages. 
  • Practice your emergency communications plan. 
  • Don’t forget the needs of your pets.   

It’s Not Too Late: Prepare Your Home Now Before Winter Arrives

The following checklist offers you a few suggestions for tasks that should be accomplished before the cold weather hits. 

  1. Clean out your gutters while we still have some seasonably mild days in the forecast. Be sure that you direct the thousands of gallons of water that descend upon your roof each year away from your home. You don’t want to end up with leaks and damage.   
  2. Don’t forget to caulk and weatherstrip your doors and windows. This will help keep your heating costs down and the comfort level in your home up. For more information about weatherstripping go to gov.
  3. While we’re talking about the comfort level in your home, don’t forget to take care of your furnace. It is recommended that you clean/replace your filters at least every 90 days. With a dirty filter your furnace will work harder and less efficiently.  This means that parts may wear out quicker or need repairs.  It’s a good idea to get your HVAC technician to give your furnace an annual service check.  Be sure to include any alternative heating sources, such as fireplaces, wood or coal burning stoves, or space heaters in that check-up.  
  4. Don’t forget to have your chimney inspected and cleaned on a regular basis.
  5. Additional tips for increasing the interior comfort level of your home include insulating your walls and attic and installing storm windows (or cover with plastic).
  6. Don’t forget to drain your outdoor faucets. This means draining and disconnecting all garden hoses from your outdoor faucets to prevent water from freezing and bursting any pipes.
  7. Change your batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide devices. We usually add this advice on to our Daylight Savings Time reminders, but since you’re working on winterizing, you can add this to your checklist if you haven’t done it already.
  8. Bring the outdoor furniture in or cover it with a waterproof cover. This will increase the life expectancy of your furniture and save you time and money in the long run.
  9. Fix cracks and seal your driveway. Water can get into these cracks, expand, and make those cracks even bigger. This will decrease the life expectancy of your drive and cause eventual replacement costs.  
  10. Check out your snow blower before the snow hits. When the first winter snowstorm hits, you don’t want to find out that it isn’t working, and you need to buy a new one.

Be Storm Aware - Prepare!

winter is coming webWe also want to recycle our winter storm preparedness guidelines as you never know how early we may be hit with one.  A winter storm can last a few hours or several days; knock out heat, power, and communication services; and place older adults, young children, and sick individuals at greater risk.  The best time to prepare is now, before the actual need arises.   The United States Department of Homeland Security at their portal offers the following general storm preparedness recommendations:

  • Familiarize yourself with winter storm warning procedures.
  • Purchase sand or kitty litter for traction on walkways and Calcium Chloride for melting ice.
  • Make sure that your heating fuel is topped off.
  • Listen to local officials. Sign up for the Rave Alerts Community Notification System from Ewing Township via text, phone, or email.

We summarize tips from our Winter Is Coming PDF following for Ewing-centric information and winter preparedness tips. 

During the Storm

Please stay inside and limit your driving trips to essential travel only. 

  • Stay up-to-date on the incoming weather. Listen to local area radio, NOAA radio or TV stations for the latest information and updates.
  • Be prepared to evacuate if you lose power or heat and know your routes and destinations.
  • Know where the local emergency shelters are.
  • Stay indoors and dress warmly.
  • Conserve fuel by lowering thermostat to 65°
  • Use generators outside only and away from windows. Never heat your home with a gas stovetop or oven.
  • Limit your time outside. Watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia.
  • Drive only when necessary and prepare your vehicle for snow conditions. If you become trapped in your car, stay inside.
  • Check on your neighbors. The elderly and young children are more at risk in extreme cold.

After the Storm Health Tips

Stay alert to cold weather dangers.  Dress warmly and wear several layers of loose-fitting warm clothing rather than one layer of heavy clothing.  Wear mittens instead of gloves.  They are warmer.  Cover up.  That includes a hat and a scarf to help prevent loss of body heat. 

  • Limit your time outside if it is excessively cold.
  • Take breaks when shoveling snow. Cold weather puts an extra strain on the heart. Overexertion when shoveling snow or pushing a car can bring on a heart attack.
  • Watch for frostbite which can cause loss of feeling around the face, fingers, and toes.
  • Stay off the roads as instructed during weather emergencies. Don't Crowd the Plow.
  • Help firefighters by keeping hydrants clear.

Snow Plowing

We also offer a gentle reminder of Ewing Township ordinances as they relate to snow removal and a summary of snow removal operations in the Township. 

Ewing has approximately 110 miles of roadways that are plowed by the Township’s Department of Public Works.  The policy for removal is straightforward... the busier the street, the higher the priority.

County roads in Ewing are plowed by Mercer County Road Crews and the State of NJ Road Crews plows Interstate 95, Pennington Road (Rte. 31) and Rte. 29 (River Road). 

De-icing materials are spread at the beginning of a snow event to prevent the bonding of snow or ice to the road surface. Plowing operations begin when sufficient snow exists to be a hazard to traffic.  It takes approximately 24 to 36 hours to complete service to Ewing Roads in entirety.  Ewing Township is only responsible for the removal of ice and/or snow from Ewing owned roads.

How You Can Help in a Snow Emergency

  • Please park all vehicles in driveways and off the streets. This allows more efficient snow removal by road crews and emergency workers to respond quickly.
  • Do not throw snow into the streets when clearing your property. This can cause dangerously slippery conditions for both motorists and pedestrians.
  • Follow Township/State guidance about when you can drive during a winter storm emergency.


The Township’s snow removal crews work diligently to keep roads snow free and clear.  Operating snowplow equipment is a visually difficult task.   Visibility is reduced by the weather event itself and the need to work through the night depending upon the timing of the storm.   Staff make every effort to avoid damage to private property that is too close to the street.

Safety Precautions for the Family Pet

Don’t forget the family pet in your winter preparations.

  • Many brands of antifreeze are highly toxic. As with all chemicals, store in a sealed container (both new and used). 
  • Beware the holiday turkey (or chicken).  They have bones that can get stuck and pierce the digestive tract. Rich foods can cause pancreatitis or bloating. 
  • Indoor pets not acclimated to winter temperatures should not be outside in cold weather for long periods. Outdoor pets can withstand fairly cold temperatures, but make sure they have proper shelter from wind and rain and provide them with good bedding. Frostbite is a winter hazard to pets.

Enjoy the Great Outdoors Safely

Enjoying the Great Outdoors in cold weather brings numerous challenges but can be very rewarding.  We encourage you to know your risks and take actions to prepare for and minimize those challenges. Here are a few basic preparations you can make to help you enjoy the outdoors during the colder months.   

  • Be sure to check the forecast before heading outdoors for a walk or a hike. It is not safe to hike when thunderstorms or heavy snowfall is expected. Be prepared for sudden drops in temperatures.
  • Always carry drinking water. You never know when you might get held up. Don’t drink from streams, springs, or lakes without first properly treating the water. 
  • Enjoy the wildlife you pass on the trail from a safe distance. Never try and get too close to wild animals. 
  • Always stay on the trail — if you leave it, you may get lost.

This morning’s snow flurries and cold temperatures served as a timely reminder that winter is quickly approaching. So NOW is a good time to plan and prepare for the coming winter cold.  We urge everyone to avoid complacency and to double check your winter emergency preparations  and plans. 

We hope that the above suggestions will help you prepare ahead of time to ensure that you don’t get caught short and unprepared to weather everything that winter can throw at you.