Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00
Ewing, NJ 08628
To volunteer for a Township Advisory Board or Committee please fill out our Volunteer Application Form on this website and submit it, along with your resume to Business Administrator Jim McManimon at [email protected].
If you have any questions, please be sure to look at the webpage for the Board to which you are applying and then direct any further questions to Mr. McManimon. He can be reached by phone at 609-883-2900 x7605.
Properties are assessed by the Assessor so all property owners will pay their fair share of the revenue needed to finance the schools, municipality and county government. Assessment at fair market value is required by the NJ state Constitution and regular revaluation updates are also required. The reassessment is performed by an outside appraisal firm hired by the Township.
Full and fair value is the price at which the Assessor believes a property would sell at a fair and bona fide private sale for tax purposes only. If you make any changes to your property that would change its market value, your assessed value may also change.
The Notice of Assessment (on the little green card) is the official notice that is mailed out by the Tax Assessor by February 1st of each year that contains you’re your property’s assessment value. You need do nothing about it unless you disagree with the assessment value.
If you feel that your property is over-assessed, you may file an appeal with the Mercer County Board of Taxation by calling (609) 989-6704. The annual deadline to file an appeal with the County Board is April 1. Note that appeals are based on the value of your property, not the taxes.
Check our Facilities Rentals page for details information about facilities at our parks and pools and a link to an online reservation form. To reserve a room at one of our Community Centers, use the contact information following.
If you have additional questions, contact Director Ted Forst or Secretary Nancy Pappano at the Community Affairs Office at the Ewing Senior and Community Center at 609-883-1776. They will help you with your reservation.
Submission of your application DOES NOT GUARANTEE that your reservation is confirmed. You will hear back from reservation staff if confirmed, with required additional information and fees.
Open Public Records (OPRA) requests are filled through the Office of the Municipal Clerk. You may obtain a form in person from the Clerk’s office, online by downloading and filling out the form and turning it in to the Clerk’s office, or submit your request electronically through our SDL Portal (a free user account is required).
Marriage licenses may be obtained through the Office of Vital Statistics in the Municipal Clerk’s office (upstairs in the Municipal Building at 2 Jake Garzio Drive).
Appointments are available between the hours of 8:30 – 11:00 am and 12:30 – 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. Be sure to allow for sufficient time for processing before the ceremony. There is a mandatory 72 hour waiting period before a license can be issued. Call 609-883-2900 x7692 for Registrar Rachel Evans.
Click here for the marriage application.
All dogs 7 months and older in Ewing Township are required to be licensed and immunized against rabies infection. Cats do not require licensing. Licenses may be renewed each June and are valid for one year. Valid proof of immunization which must not expire before April 1st of the licensing year is required at the time of licensing.
You may obtain a registration in person at the office of the Clerk (upstairs in the Municipal Building at 2 Jake Garzio Drive), send an application in by mail after you fill it out on your computer and print and sign it, or renew online via our SDL Portal. For more details about fees please check out our Dog Licensing page.
You may register to vote at the Municipal Clerk’s Office Monday – Friday between the hours of 8:30 am and 4 pm. You may also register at any New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission agency when you apply for or renew a license. Online voter registration is also available. These registrations are sent to the Mercer County Commissioner of Registration. See our Elections and Voting page for forms in English and in Spanish.
Information about Polling Loccations is updated annually and is available on this website on our Elections and Voting webpage.
You may also call the Office of the Clerk at 609-883-2900 x7609.
In person - You may apply for a police report in person at the Police Department Records Bureau.
By Mail - The application form is available online which you may fill out and email to [email protected].
As of February 18, 2019, firearms applications in the State of NJ can be created and submitted online. The Ewing Police have provided detailed instructions on their Firearms Information webpage. Once you have completed your online application you must call 609-882-1313 ext. 7523 to make an appointment with the Ewing Police to submit payment for permits and Firearms ID card (if applicable). Applications will not be processed until all applicable fees are paid.
Ewing Township contracts with the Mercer County Improvement Authority (MCIA) for recycling pickup. It is picked up township-wide on alternate Tuesdays (If collection day falls on a holiday (Christmas, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day and Thanksgiving) collection will be the following SATURDAY).
The Public Works Department encourages all Ewing residents to get recycling help from “Recycle Coach,” a new customized website/app that streamlines your garbage and recycling services. It provides: customized collection calendars based on your area, reminders for your collection days, searchable recycling database.
For additional information please check our Trash and Recycling page.
The roads in Ewing Township are plowed by three different entities. Ewing roads are plowed by the Ewing Department of Public Works. County roads are plowed by Mercer County road crews and State highways that run through Ewing (Interstate 295, Pennington Road (Rte. 31) and River Road (Rte. 29)) are plowed by the State of NJ road crews.
Operating snowplow equipment is a visually difficult task. Visibility is reduced by the weather event itself and the need to work through the night depending upon the timing. Staff make every effort to avoid damage to private property that is too close to the street. For problems with snow removal and to report a complaint:
Ewing Roads - (609) 882-3382
Mercer County Roads - (609) 530-7500
State of N.J., Department of Transportation (732) 308-4086
Please call the Ewing Township Department of Public Works at 609-882-3382 for further information. They will be able to determine tree ownership for you. [Cutting of trees on commercial properties is restricted by Ewing ordinance (give new ordinance link if this is approved)].
Tax bills are mailed in July with four quarterly tax amounts. Taxes are due on the first day of February, May, August and November.
Sewer bills are mailed in March with 2 semi- annual sewer amounts. Sewer is due on the first day of April and October.
Yes, the Township allows 10 calendar days including the due date. If the tenth day falls on a Township holiday or weekend, the grace period is extended to the next business day.
Residents can navigate to the Vital Communications website to search for any tax or sewer information in Ewing by clinking on the link.
You can contact the Tax office at 609-883-2900 ext. 7607 for a copy of the tax or sewer bill.
The tax bill is calculated based on the annual tax rate X assessment value. The tax rate is established by the County Board of Taxation in Mercer County. The tax rate may change every year depending on the adopted budget of the Township, School and the County.
Sewer charges are calculated pursuant to local township sewer ordinance. Residents can obtain a copy of the local township sewer ordinance by contacting the Ewing Township Clerk’s office at 609-883-2900 ext. 7657 or going to our Public Ordinances at
If improvements to the property have been completed prior of October 1 of the tax year, a separate tax bill for added/omitted will be issue in October. The Assessor will notify you of the additional assessed value and what time period it covers.
Interest is 8% per annum on the first $1,500.00 and 18% over $1,500.00 as per NJSA 54:4-67.
You may be eligible for a $250.00 annual tax deduction if you are a Veteran, Widow/Widower of a Veteran, Senior Citizen, Disabled Citizen, or Surviving Spouse of a Senior Citizen or Disabled Citizen. Please Contact Tax Assessors’ office for more information at 609-883-2900 ext. 7661.
You cannot appeal the property taxes; however, you can appeal the assessed value of the property. Please contact Ewing Township Tax Assessor’s office at 609-883-2900 ext. 7661 for more information.
Please contact the Ewing Township Tax Assessor’s office at 609-883-2900 ext. 7661 for more information.
Lien calculation payoff amount can be requested by faxing at 609-883-7244. Request will be completed within 3 business days.
Payment must be in the form of Cash, Money Order, or Official Bank Check only. Personal or business checks or credit/debit card will not be accepted.
Water is provided to most Ewing households by Trenton Water Works. For questions or concerns please contact them at 609-989-3055.