Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00
Closed from 12–1pm

(609) 883-2900 
2 Jake Garzio Drive
Ewing, NJ 08628

Cannabis - next steps

On August 10, 2021 the Township of Ewing voted to allow cultivation and manufacturing in its Industrial Zones [See Zoning Map (large file)]  and up to 5 retail and dispensary operations in some of its retail zones. For this first year, the Township Council will entertain dispensary endorsements for up to 2 applicants. The Township currently has no limitation on endorsements for cultivation and manufacturing as long as the applicant meets the zoning requirements.  You can find a copy of the Township’s adopted ordinance here. Please note that the State, not the Township, is responsible for the licensing of cannabis businesses prior to being able to conduct business on any property in Ewing Township. 

Cannabis Moratorium 10/25/22 - No applications currently accepted. 

Cannabis Moratorium Extended One Year - 23R-212


Municipal Clerk
Kim J. Macellaro, RMC, CMC
p(609) 883-2900 x7648
email: [email protected]

Upcoming CAC Meetings

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Your Next Steps

If you are interested in applying to enage in a cannabis related business in the Township of Ewing, we have provided a step-by-step guide to help:

  1. Review the Township's Ordinance.

    The Township's Ordinance addresses the process, and both zoning and operational requirements for cannabis businesses.

  2. Find a Property in the Correct Zone: 

    See Township Cannabis Zoning Overlay Map (large file).

  3. Apply for a Cannabis License with the Township of Ewing: 

    Download this Application, including the Personal History Form and the Community Plan Form, and submit the completed form(s) and any attachments. 
    Complete applications must be accompanied by a check made payable to the Township of Ewing and sent to the Clerk’s Office at 2 Jake Garzio Drive, Ewing, NJ 08628. The fee is $5,000 for all applicants with exception to Microlicenses, $1,000, which will be applied to the Local License if awarded a Cannabis license by the State.

  4. Attend the Township's Cannabis Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting.

    Once your application is deemed complete you will be notified to present your plans at a scheduled Township CAC meeting. In order to gain a recommendation by the CAC to the Township Council and potentially obtain a Resolution of Support for your application to the State CRC this step is mandatory. 

    A draft Local Host Agreement based on the applicant's Community Plan will be created for execution upon State award.

  5. Apply to the State of New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission (CRC):

    If you have received a Resolution of Support from the Township of Ewing, apply for a License from the CRC

  6. If Awarded a License by the State 

    Work with the Township to execute the draft Local Host Agreement.
    Contact the Planning Department to make application for Land Use approvals.

  7. Complete Planning Board Application.  

    The Township's Site Review Committee reviews all applications and agreements for completeness prior to appearing before the Planning Board.  Site Review is held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month.  Planning Board meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month. All applications must be submitted at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled Site Review meeting.  The following documents are required:
    1. Complete the Planning Board Application.
    2. Pay Site Plan Escrow Fee. 
    3. Submit W9 Form.
    4. Complete and submit the  Preliminary / Final Site Plan Approval Checklist.
    5. Submit five (5) hard copies of the entire applications and agreements to the Board Professionals, and a file in PDF format to the Construction Office.